Have a house to sell?

The Right Marketing 
The Right Realtor 
The Right Price

Most realtors would do what I called the three peas, put it on the MLS, Put a sign in the front yard, Pray that it sells. Not the most effective yet that is what the vast majority of realtors do. With market, there are two very large aspects that you need to have mastered for you and they are Print Marketing and Online Marketing. Most realtors if they do, marketing are looking to spend as little of money as possible. Not Us. We believe in the Invested Approach, Meaning that we will spend three times to four times more money than typical realtors, Because it will get you a better result. Print marketing is one of the two ways where we really set your house apart. We create a 12 page full color, professional brochure that is far and way better than anything else in your area. It has lots of great eye, catching photos, simple design, and a website URL that is created just for your house. You are ready to install a sign that is designed to attract buyers even before your house is officially listed on the MLS. Your professional real estate consultant will be sending out a series of seven letters to your neighborhood to attract even more buyers.

Online Marketing is the second way we set your house apart. From the website that we create that features just your house to the high-end photography to the aerial video and walk-through of the house video. As your Professional Real Estate Consultant we specialize in knowing how to make sure your house is highlighted on the big three Zillow, Realtor and Trulia. In fact, Your house will usually be one of the top five homes in your ZIP Code when searching online via Zillow. Other realtors will put your house online yet it’s going to get buried in the hundreds of homes on the market in your ZIP Code. Not good.

Again, it’s called the Invested Approach because we spend more dollars and more time and doing the stuff that is guaranteed to sell your house for more money in the timeframe you desire, and with the least amount of stress on you. The realtor is going to get a call from the Internet, the sign call the open house and know the exact five words to say so that the lead turns into an appointment and showing on your house.

This may sound really simple yet Call 10 to 25 realtors from a for sale sign or from the Internet and they will be either a slick sales person saying so much about themselves and how great they are or they will not even return your phone call. It’s crazy. This is just a glimpse of what it means to be working with a professional real estate consultant who is part of the Real Estate Professional Consultants Today. Over 2,200,000 realtors in the US and less than 70 are part of the real estate professionals today. This is less than 0.00003%. That is elite. Most likely there is only one in your entire city or state. Choose wisely who you interest your largest asset to who you work with matters.

Bottom Line: We are going to get the job done properly for you and not let you down. Period.